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Tips for Negotiating an Illinois Parenting Plan With Your Ex-Spouse

 Posted on February 05, 2021 in Divorce

DuPage County divorce attorney parenting plan

When it comes to divorce, there are many issues that have the potential to cause quite a bit of conflict between the two individuals involved in this divorce. From property division to child support, these issues appear in nearly every Illinois divorce case. However, the issues that have the most potential to cause an argument for many couples are those that have to deal with the children. Creating a parenting plan can be a long and daunting process for parents who do not get along, but parents are typically much happier and have a better chance of sticking to the parenting plan when they are able to negotiate the terms of said agreement amongst themselves. Although this is easier said than done, there are ways to achieve a positive outcome for everyone involved.

Flexibility Is Key

For some couples, getting along long enough to negotiate a parenting plan is a tall order. Here are a few tips that can help you negotiate a parenting plan agreement with your ex:

  • Keep your expectations in check: Do not go into negotiations believing that you will come out on top. When you make a compromise with someone, typically both you and the other person make sacrifices so that you can each enjoy spending time with your children.

  • Try to manage your emotions: Most issues involving the children can be quite sensitive, but when you and your spouse are negotiating your parenting plan, you should do your best to reel in the emotional side of things. Try to always keep things professional between you and your spouse. The sooner you can put aside any personal feelings about your relationship, the sooner you can start to focus on the wellbeing of the children.

  • Be open to different options: Perhaps one of the most important pieces of advice, you should try to be as flexible as possible without compromising your own rights. Even though the parenting plan may look different from what you may have envisioned going into the negotiations, flexibility can help immensely.

Contact Our Joliet, IL Divorce Attorneys for Help

Negotiating your parenting plan is not likely to be a simple process. At the Law Office of Ronald L. Hendrix, P.C., we can help you and your spouse negotiate a parenting plan through various methods, such as mediation or collaboration, depending on which method is right for your family. Our skilled Will County divorce lawyers can help you and your spouse hash out the details to create an arrangement that benefits everyone. Call our office today at 630-355-7776 to schedule a free consultation.


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