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Why Reconciling During the Holidays is Risky

 Posted on December 15,2023 in Child Custody

IL divorce lawyerIf you surveyed every couple in the state of Illinois with a divorce in process during the holidays, a significant portion would likely say they are having some thoughts of reconciliation. People can become very sentimental during the holidays. If you have children together, the thought of not spending your major winter holiday together as a family may be painful. Your children themselves may be upset at not having both parents around on the holiday. It can be easy to reminisce with rose-colored glasses about holidays past and how you spent them with your spouse. These emotions can be strong enough to prompt some people to reach out and attempt to reconcile with their spouse. While this may seem like a good idea now, your feelings can easily change in the New Year. It is important to talk it over with your Naperville, IL, divorce attorney before taking any major steps

What Causes Spouses to Reconcile During the Holidays? 

It is normal for people who are in the middle of a divorce to have some feelings of sadness during the first holiday season. Your plans may be very different this year than they have been in years past. One of you will likely be spending holidays with friends or extended family while the other has parenting time. This can be deeply upsetting. You may feel an urge to “fix” the situation - by staying with your spouse

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What Is the First Step to Getting Divorced?

 Posted on December 06,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerFor your purposes, the first step in the divorce process should be finding a well-qualified attorney to represent you. The formal legal process of divorce begins when one spouse files a petition for divorce with the court. This petition sets out some basic information, like how long you have been married and where you reside. It also, importantly, must allege that you and your spouse have irreconcilable differences. Having irreconcilable differences is the only ground for divorce still recognized in Illinois. After that petition is filed, your divorce is officially in process. The next steps include serving your spouse with a copy of the complaint and deciding how you both would like to approach the divorce. You have options, like using collaborative divorce to avoid a courtroom battle. Your Illinois divorce attorney can guide you through the entire process. 

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Child Custody When the Other Parent is Dangerous

 Posted on November 29,2023 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerBeing involved in a high-conflict child custody case is almost always very stressful for everyone involved. It can go from stressful to downright terrifying if your child’s other parent poses a threat to you or your children. Your primary concern is likely keeping your child safe. There are a number of reasons a parent might not be safe for a child to visit unsupervised. A parent who has an active substance abuse disorder or serious mental illness may not be able to provide adequate supervision or may behave unpredictably. A parent who has a history of violence towards you or your children is unlikely to stop the abuse if they are able to see the children without a trustworthy adult present. If your goal is to obtain sole custody, you will need to work with a highly skilled Illinois child custody attorney. You will need evidence showing why it is not safe for the kids to be left alone with the other parent. 

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Who Keeps the House in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on November 22,2023 in Property Division

IL divorce lawyerIf you and your spouse achieved your goal of becoming homeowners during your marriage, either you or the court will need to determine what to do with the home during your divorce. A house is often a married couple’s most valuable asset. It is also - plainly - not possible to cut a house in half so you can each keep your share. While using tape to divide living space might work briefly in comedies, it is almost certainly not a practical solution in real life. Under Illinois law, all marital property is to be divided equitably. “Equitably” means in a way that is as fair as possible to both parties in light of all the facts and surrounding circumstances. If this decision is left to the court, it will consider a lot of different factors to decide what is fair. You and your spouse also have the option of using mediation to establish your own solution. It is very important to be represented by your own attorney, even if your divorce is amicable. 

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What Young Adults Should Know About Divorce

 Posted on November 14,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerGetting married young is not always a great thing. People in their late teens or early twenties may not have fully grown into their adult personalities or truly realized their identity yet. It is common for those who marry young also to divorce young. In fact, young divorce should likely be more common than it is. Many individuals who are getting divorced in middle age or later adulthood have been unhappy in their marriages for a very long time - often since they were roughly your age. In many ways, ending an unhappy marriage while you are still in your 20s or early 30s is the smart move. Even if you have young children together, separating and co-parenting is likely better for your child than staying together but making each other miserable. It is important to be represented by a lawyer with experience representing young adults in divorce, as there are specific issues more likely to affect them. 

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How to Modify a Divorce Decree

 Posted on November 08,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerAlthough a divorce decree is considered “final,” it can sometimes be modified under the right circumstances. When a divorced person experiences a substantial change in circumstances, they might be able to have their divorce decree modified to reflect those changes. Illinois law recognizes that a divorce decree might have made sense at the time it was made, but can become impractical when circumstances change. If you have had a significant life change that makes following your divorce decree as it is currently written impossible or very difficult, you should speak with a Will County divorce lawyer about petitioning the court for a modification. Modifying your divorce decree based on your current circumstances can ensure that you continue to be treated equitably after going through a life change. 

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How do I File for Divorce in Illinois?

 Posted on October 25,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerThe first step toward getting divorced in Illinois is submitting a petition to the court in the county you live in. Filing this petition starts the divorce process. A petition for divorce is a document that tells the court you intend to legally divorce your spouse. Certain information must be included in this document, including both of your contact information. Your petition for divorce must also claim a legal ground for divorce. Grounds for divorce used to be things like infidelity, habitual intoxication, and extreme cruelty. Now, there is only one recognized ground for divorce - irreconcilable differences. After you file, formally serving your spouse with divorce papers is usually the next step. While you technically are not required to have an attorney, it is not a good idea to try to do this alone. Divorce can be a complicated legal process, and it is best to have a qualified Illinois divorce attorney representing your interests. 

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How Could Moving Affect My Child Custody Case?

 Posted on October 20,2023 in Child Custody

IL divorce lawyerIt is fairly normal for one parent to want to move away after getting divorced. However, when making child custody decisions, a court can consider how difficult moving the child back and forth between their parents’ residences is. It is one of the factors Illinois child custody law requires judges to consider when making parenting time arrangements. When divorced parents live close to each other, it is usually very easy for them to coordinate frequent custody exchanges. When they live far apart, custody exchanges may not be possible nearly as often. This could result in an arrangement where the children need to live with one parent most of the time so that they can attend school regularly. The other parent may only be able to have parenting time during school holidays. It is important to speak with your Illinois family lawyer about how moving away could affect your child custody case. 

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Tips for Surviving a Difficult Divorce

 Posted on October 13,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerMost divorces are not easy. In fact. Getting divorced is considered one of the most stressful life events people can go through. Even when the spouses are amicable and can work together fairly easily, the divorce process can be emotionally taxing. If your divorce is more contentious, you may have an even more difficult road ahead. It is important to take some steps to protect your mental and physical health during this stressful time. Although it may feel like your Illinois divorce is going to go on forever, it will come to an end. It is important to be represented by a skilled Illinois divorce attorney who can look out for your legal interests while you focus on yourself. Our lawyers understand how hard it can be to get through a divorce and we will support you in any way we can. 

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What is a Complex Divorce in Illinois?

 Posted on October 05,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerIf you have started reading up on divorce in Illinois, you might have heard the term “complex divorce.” This term is fairly self-explanatory. A complex divorce is a divorce that will be more complicated than most, usually because the spouses have a lot of assets that are difficult to divide up. Your divorce might also be considered complex if you will need to contest it in court rather than trying to settle it by agreement, or if you have a complicated child custody situation. Having even one or two unique or challenging issues might mean that your divorce will be complex. If you are going into a complex divorce, it is important to be represented by a highly experienced Illinois divorce attorney. Complex divorce cases require special care. 

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