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When Is an NDA Necessary in a Divorce?

 Posted on March 06, 2025 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerA non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is usually associated with a business rather than a marriage. However, there are times when an NDA can - and should - be part of a couple’s marriage and divorce. NDAs are often known as confidentiality agreements, which legally limit what details can be shared about business practices or the details of a marriage.

Celebrity couples often use NDAs when they marry to limit negative press and preserve reputations in the event of a divorce. In our current social media era, an NDA might be a good idea for virtually any divorcing couple, as it is all too easy to vent on social media publicly. If you believe your divorce could benefit from an NDA agreement, speaking to a skilled Will County, IL family law attorney can be helpful.

What Is the Purpose of an NDA In a Divorce?

A non-disclosure agreement in a divorce is a legal contract that limits the information that can be shared by the divorcing spouses. Some of the reasons an NDA is used might include:

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Parenting Plans for Parents Who Work Shift Work

 Posted on February 26, 2025 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerUnder Senate Bill 3207, Illinois daycare centers are now allowed to operate for 24 hours and provide care for a child for up to 12 hours. This can significantly benefit parents whose jobs require shift work. A study done years ago (2007) in Illinois found that 42 percent of parents across the state work non-traditional hours. It is likely that this percentage is still true today, making flexible daycare essential.

In families where one or both parents work non-traditional hours, they usually find solutions to childcare. These solutions can include different work shifts for the parents, paid daycare facilities, or family members who can help them manage their work hours and children. What may have been manageable when a couple worked together to make it manageable can be much less so after a divorce when making a parenting plan.

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Can I Get Custody of My Kids if I Have a Criminal Record?

 Posted on February 21, 2025 in Child Custody

IL defense lawyerEven under the best circumstances, determining child custody (the "allocation of parental responsibilities" in Illinois) can be difficult at best. If one parent has a criminal history, that may make the determination of parental responsibilities even more complex. A spouse who did not care about the other’s criminal history when they met may now try to use that history as a means of preventing the other parent from spending much time with the couple’s child.

Illinois courts care about the child’s best interests rather than penalizing a parent with a criminal record. This means that while a criminal history may be one factor the court will consider, it is far from the only factor, and it may not even be the most important factor. If you have a criminal record and want to know how it will affect the determination of parental responsibilities and parenting time, it is time to speak to a knowledgeable Will County, IL family law attorney.

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What to Expect from a Legal Separation

 Posted on February 13, 2025 in Divorce Mediation

IL divorce lawyerWhen marriages break down, most couples opt to file for divorce. For some, however, there are compelling reasons to file for a legal separation before choosing the permanent solution of divorce. A couple may decide to legally separate and live apart to see whether they want to remain married.

Some couples have religious reasons to avoid divorce and may legally separate instead. With health insurance so expensive and sometimes difficult to obtain, some couples may remain legally married to continue having health insurance while living apart as legally separated. Under an Illinois legal separation, you are still legally married but living apart.

Your separation agreement can determine the allocation of parental responsibilities, parenting time, child support, and spousal support until one or both partners decide to live together again or divorce. More information regarding legal separation in the state is below, but your best source of information is a Will County, IL family law attorney.  

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How Do I Divorce a Spouse with Alzheimer’s?

 Posted on February 07, 2025 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerWhen a spouse is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, the future can look fairly bleak – both for the diagnosed spouse and for the healthy spouse. The disease may progress quickly or more slowly and can change most aspects of a marital relationship. Those with spouses who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s may find their role in the marriage has completely changed – and can be overwhelmed by the changes and the added responsibilities.

Along with dealing with changes to the relationship, a spouse who makes the hard decision to divorce his or her spouse with Alzheimer’s will also likely face judgment from others. Family members, friends, and even strangers may pass judgment on your decision to divorce.

It can be hard to remember that they are not privy to your day-to-day life and have no idea about the challenges. There are additional steps to be taken once you decide to divorce a spouse who has Alzheimer’s. A Will County, IL family law attorney can help you through the process with the best outcome possible.

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Will an Ex’s Bankruptcy Affect Your Spousal Support?

 Posted on January 30, 2025 in Spousal Maintenance

IL divorce lawyerYou may have breathed a big sigh of relief once your divorce was over and done. Perhaps you received a fair asset settlement and spousal support, and you are beginning to put your life back together. Then, one day, your ex-spouse calls to tell you that he or she is filing for bankruptcy. You cannot help but wonder how this will affect your own financial situation.

What if his or her name is still on your home or another asset that was ordered to be sold and divided after the divorce? Will your spousal maintenance continue after your ex-spouse files for bankruptcy? Since each situation is unique, the best step you can take is to speak to your Will County, IL family law attorney, who can help you determine what you need to do to protect your own financial security.

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How Will an Illinois Divorce Affect My Credit Score?

 Posted on January 22, 2025 in Property Division

IL divorce lawyerDivorce can be challenging, and its consequences may seem to keep cropping up long after the divorce is over. Financial concerns are the most likely long-term consequences of a divorce. One of these financial consequences is finding out months after the divorce that your credit score has taken a substantial hit. To be clear, your divorce, in and of itself, will not cause your credit score to drop, but the financial actions taken during and after a divorce may.

Further, if your spouse was buying things on credit that you were unaware of, your credit score will reflect these actions no matter whether you had anything to do with those purchases. Having an experienced Will County, IL family law attorney who acts as your advocate throughout and after the divorce can minimize some of the adverse consequences.

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Changing Your Name Following an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on January 15, 2025 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerA name change usually follows a significant life change, and divorce certainly qualifies. Changing your name is a very personal decision. While women certainly may keep their married name following divorce, some choose to return to their "maiden" name. A woman who has been married for a significant length of time and may have used her name professionally may decide to keep her married name simply because it is the easiest thing to do.

Others may hesitate to change their last name because this might mean the children will have a different last name, which can get confusing. If a woman’s marriage was filled with contentiousness or even abuse and the divorce is shaping up similarly, she may have little trouble deciding whether to change her name. Whatever decision you make, changing your name is a process that can benefit significantly from speaking to a Will County, IL family law attorney.   

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Is January "Divorce Month" Real or a Myth?

 Posted on January 08, 2025 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerMany of us have heard that January is known as the "divorce month." While there is some evidence to back this up, the months of January through March might more realistically be known as the "divorce season." One of the primary reasons January sees a spike in divorce rates is that many spouses are reluctant to file for divorce during the holiday season and may resolve to stay together until the holidays are over.

Taxes may also have a bearing on the January divorce spike, depending on whether filing as single or married is more advantageous. Some couples may choose to end the year married so they can get certain tax breaks when filing. Many people file for divorce at certain points in the year as a means of minimizing family and personal emotional pain. August often sees a spike in divorce rates, likely because it follows family vacations and the start of a new school year.

If a couple’s last child goes to college in August, there may no longer be the need to "stay together for the children." Regardless of when you choose to file for divorce, having a strong legal advocate in your corner can make the process so much easier. A Will County, IL divorce attorney can help you determine not only when to file for divorce but how to get through the coming months in the best way possible.

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Recognizing and Addressing Parental Alienation

 Posted on December 29, 2024 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerWhen parents divorce, life can be challenging for all those involved, particularly the children. While most parents want what is best for their children, some seem unable to resist speaking negatively about the other parent. While this is rarely productive in any way, it can be especially damaging to children. An American psychiatrist, Dr. Richard Gardner, introduced the phrase "parental alienation syndrome" in 1985, defining it as a childhood disorder arising almost exclusively during child custody disputes.

Gardner described children being "programmed" by one parent to reject, fear, dislike, or hate the other parent. Parental alienation can be obvious or more insidious, but the end result is the same – to damage the child’s relationship with the other parent. If one parent believes the other is deliberately waging a parental alienation war against them during the allocation of parental responsibilities, it is important to address it quickly before it can spiral out of control. A Will County, IL parental responsibilities attorney can help recognize and address parental alienation.

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