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Tips for Surviving Your Divorce
Posted on April 13, 2020 in Uncategorized
Couples who have decided to divorce have a lot on their minds. While retaining an attorney to represent them will be their first step in the process, there are other important initial steps that should be considered in the early stages of divorce.
Make Copies of Everything
Once the decision is made to divorce, it is important to gather as much information as possible about your spouse. It is not uncommon for one spouse to know very little about what the other has in regard to income, expenses, investments and retirement assets. Sometimes when divorces are underway, the documents which provide this important information “disappear”. Considerable time and money can be saved by making copies of everything as early as possible, as formal discovery and subpoenaing bank records can be very costly.
Retirement assets can be partially or entirely marital assets, and will be divided accordingly between spouses. When collecting information, it is important to obtain documents detailing the value of these plans and the rules governing their liquidation or division.
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Addressing insurance coverage issues after divorce
Posted on April 13, 2020 in Uncategorized
Addressing insurance coverage issues after divorce
In the immediate aftermath of a divorce, most people will need to spend some time focusing on getting their affairs back in order. A big part of this is adjusting to the financial realities of life in a one-income household. As such, most recent divorcees will need to reevaluate their insurance coverage in light of the fact that they are no longer married.
There are a number of changes most newly divorced people will have to make to their insurance portfolios. Some of the most common issues are discussed below.
Medical insurance
Individuals who were covered under their ex-spouse’s employer-sponsored health insurance will need to find new coverage once the divorce is finalized. Ex-spouses are allowed to continue COBRA coverage for up to 36 months after the divorce, but this coverage can be quite expensive. For new divorcees who do not have access to their own employer-sponsored coverage, it may make more sense to shop for health insurance on the private market.
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UPDATE 2021: What You Need to Know About Child Support in Illinois
Posted on April 13, 2020 in Child Support
Originally Posted April 13, 2020 ---- Updated Post November 11, 2021
Any parent can confirm that raising children is expensive -- especially when you are doing so on a single income. If you are divorced or soon will be, it is important to know how Illinois child support laws will apply to your case. Well-meaning friends or relatives may try to give you advice about child support or help you estimate your payments. However, the way that Illinois calculates child support changed significantly in recent years. The best way to receive trustworthy guidance regarding child support is to work with an experienced family law attorney.
Illinois no longer bases child support on only the paying spouse’s income and the number of children to be supported. Now, both parents’ incomes determine child support payments.
In 2021, child support is calculated using the Income Shares model. This calculation takes both parents’ net incomes into account. The parents’ incomes are added together to find the combined net income. This figure is compared to the Income Shares Schedule to determine the total amount of financial support expected of the parents. The parent with less parenting time pays his or her share of this financial obligation to the parent with the majority of the parenting time. If both parents have the child more than 40 percent of the time, the child support obligation is adjusted accordingly. For help with child support concerns, contact a Naperville child support lawyer from Law Office of Ronald L. Hendrix, P.C..
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How to tell children about divorce
Posted on April 13, 2020 in Uncategorized
After reaching the difficult decision to divorce, it is necessary to be open and honest with children. Discussions need to vary based on the age and maturity of the children. In the process, children need to be reassured that they are loved, will continue to see each of the parents and are not to blame.
Child-related issues in divorce will revolve around custody, visitation and child support. But children should not be brought into these issues. The one exception might be for an older child and the court or a guardian ad litem may ask about custody and visitation preferences.
What you need to share and when to bring up the topic
While children have the right to know what is going on, it is often best to wait until you have made some final decisions and can provide a plan and answers to questions. It is best if you and your spouse can talk to your children together.
Use understandable, age-appropriate language. Your child may not understand the word divorce, so you will likely need to describe the separation process and effects. The age of the child will affect how much is understood and certain behaviors can be common:
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Obtaining an Order of Protection During Divorce in DuPage County, Illinois
Posted on April 13, 2020 in Uncategorized
During the course of a divorce, it sometimes becomes necessary for one party to file an Order of Protection (OOP) against the other. An OOP is a court order which will provide protection for victims of domestic abuse. In a divorce situation the victim is typically a spouse, and in some cases an OOP may also provide protection for the children. It is important to understand the basic requirements that must be met and to know where to find the resources in your area to obtain an OOP.
Regardless of the county in which you live, in order to file an OOP it is necessary to fit into certain criteria. These criteria may have minor variations depending on where you reside. For the purposes of this article, the focus will be on DuPage County in Illinois, one of the counties served by the Law Office of Ronald L. Hendrix, P.C..
Requirements to Obtain an Order of Protection
There are three basic requirements for an OOP case. First, the person who you are pursuing an OOP against (or the Respondent) must be related to you in one of the following ways: a spouse, former spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, currently sharing a residence with you or have in the past, your legal caretaker, you have a child together or they are a family member (i.e. parent, child, sibling, step-parent, step child). An OOP only covers these types of domestic relationships, however, there are other Orders you may be able to obtain if you do not meet this criterion.
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Tips for Adjusting to a Parenting Time Schedule in an Illinois Divorce
Posted on April 10, 2020 in Divorce

When most people get married, they intend the union to last a lifetime. However, that is not always the case due to various reasons. Statistics show that between 40 and 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. In some cases, infidelity, abuse, financial or cultural differences can put a significant strain on a relationship, causing it to break down. Spouses may try counseling to save their marriage, but in many cases, it might be too little, too late, ultimately leading to the difficult decision to part ways. When a couple has children together, there are many issues that need to be resolved before the divorce can be finalized in Illinois. This includes the allocation of parental responsibilities and parenting time, formerly known as child custody and visitation. Divorce typically requires an adjustment period for everyone involved, but an experienced family law attorney can guide you through the process.
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Part 1: Beware! The Reality of Collaborative Divorce Attorney Cliques
Posted on February 06, 2015 in Uncategorized
Introducing a new five-part series of revealing articles focusing on the collaborative approach to divorce. At the Law Office of Ronald L. Hendrix, P.C., we seek to educate and inform individuals who browse the internet in search of accurate information about the available divorce options. Our series on collaborative divorce is a must-read for anyone considering divorce.
When deciding to proceed with a divorce using one of the available approaches, the first step is to choose and retain an attorney. It sounds simple on the surface, but this first step may be the most important decision you will make, and your choice will certainly affect the process as well as the outcome. Prior to hiring an attorney, you may conduct research on the internet, read Google or other online reviews, or receive a recommendation from a friend, co-worker or relative. These are all excellent ways to assist you in finding a reputable attorney, and after meeting and finding an attorney you feel comfortable with, you normally retain that attorney. As you would expect, this decision is solely your own to make and should be without undue outside influence. Like you, your spouse also has the right to independently explore options and secure his or her own attorney.
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